Jumat, 27 April 2012

My World, TRONT

 Yeah now I'm post my 2nd family, that's TRONT stands for The Republic Of Nine Two. We're 27students with 1form teacher to be 20daughters and 7sons with 1mom in UNIQUE FAMILY. Before TRONT, we've DEUA stands for DElapan dUA. So we've 2years together with many UNIQUE STORIES and also some UNIQUE PROBLEM we have. Let's see the structure of this class! Our Mommy is ASYIAHWATI, S. Pd. our leader is FAQIH RAHMAT SARMADHAN and our vice leader is ENNISA PRILIANI ALAMSYAH with our 1st secretary, AJENG PUTRI LARASATI with 2nd AYU LUVIYANTI TANJUNG and she is also my lovely besty and my seatmeat on TRONT. Our 1st treaser that always manage our finages is me, RHADIATHUL WAHYULI and the 2nd is RIFDAH KHANSATIKAH. That's the name which is manage the life on TRONT,but another member also help us to manage our life. May be all of the teacher in JHS9Plg say that our class is THE BEST NOISY CLASS, therefore we've the bad degree but we also have a good degree for our achievement, yeah we're THE BEST CLASS for achievement. We have an official twitter to update about our activity, let's follow us on @officialTRONT. But now we separate by school.

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