Rabu, 01 Agustus 2012

That's My Besty

Now  I want to tell you about my chair mate and also my besty on JHS 9 Palembang. Yeah she is Ayu Luviyanti Tanjung, now she is a student of X.2 SHS 6 Palembang. Therefore we are separate by our SHS but we not lost contact therefore now we are busy with our activities on our school. We always chatting and also sharing about anything that happens in our life now.
We have many different characters, but each other cover it. Therefore we have many different characters,but we also have some same character. We always together on various situation
First time I met Ayu at our extracurricular, PASPRALANPA.We are in the same extracurricular since 3 years. Certainly in the first time we didn't talk with each other, may be the reasons were we were in the different class on grade 7th and we were in the different elementary school. But when the even semester we getting closer with each other, the reasons were we always in the same group on PASPRA, and also we were 6th months together on PASPRA.
On grade 8th, we were in the same class, VIII.2 but we were not a chair mate. We always try to getting closer than before and know about the characteristic, because we must in the same class and the same excul since 3years. On even semester, we started to chatting also sharing about our problem or anythings. Since there, we started our friendship.
On grade 9th we choose to be a chair mate, because of it our friendship getting closer and to be a best friend. We always together and sharing about our own problem then get a problem's solving together. We always together on the class, on the school and also on the excul. If one of us was on struggling to achieve something, we will support each other then give a FIGTH!
AYU... Therefore now we are not in the same life school, but I hope our friendship always tied until the end of time. Always chatting and sharing anythings that happens on our life.

Thanks Allah SWT. because you had give me a besty that always beside me on the various. I hope you always be my besty. I REALLY MISS YOU, AYU LUVIYANTI TANJUNG:")

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