Minggu, 29 Juli 2012

English's Task (IX-2 '12)

August 2, 2011
Dear You,
I know your situation now. It’s not easy for you, it’s? But you must get up, I know you can do it although it’s difficult but you must make sure that you can.
One year ago the earthquake rocked Padang and make the condition of Padang is so fall apart. Now, the earthquake rocked Padang again with the high Richter scale better than the first earthquake. I know how you feel that you must have the twice incident. You are very upset with the incident now.
I also have a feeling same with you. Because Padang is my hometown and my family life in there and it’s make me so panic with my family’s condition. When I heard that my family is fine, my feeling is get out but I still feel so sad because I see the condition of Padang now and I want to cry because many victims who lost their lives and homes, all public facilities were severely damaged. But that all the power of god, we can’t do anything.
I don’t know what should I do, but I just can pray to Allah. I pray that all of the victims of this terrible event will quickly recover from the disaster. I just can say that we must get up and we must not regret all that has happened. You must keep spirit and always pray to god that you can get through all this with easy.
That’s all, I hope you can take my advice and keep smileJ


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