Selasa, 24 Juli 2012

My LOGO!!!

Yeah i want to share about my logo which made by me when i was grade 8th. in that moment, my ICT's teacher named Ms. Petriana Romlah taught us on Even Semester about animation and graphic processing, and the programs are Corel Draw 12 and Macromedia Flash 8 Pro but we just learned about that for 1month because Ms. Petri had some affairs that made her moved from our school. Therefore we just learned about the programs for 1month, but Alhamdulillah we known how to make some unique animation and graphic. For the first meeting we learned about it, Ms. Petri taught us about the basic elements of the programs and for the next meeting Ms. Petri asked us to made our logo by Corel Draw 12 and she gave us 2weeks for the timing to collected our logo to her.

For the first time when I tried to make my logo, i had some confusion to make it. And i had give up when in a part of my classmate had finished their logo, and there were good. But, I still tried to make my logo, because if I didn't make it I couldn't have a score for that subject. Every day when i just go back from my school, i always tried to make it my laptop and Alhamdulillah i could make it, but the result is not good. And in that day, when we must collected our logo, i had unique idea for my logo and i do that. After repaired my logo, i thought that my logo was good enough for the beginner.

Next meeting after we collected our logo to Ms. Petri, she told us about the 10th best logo for all of the RSBI class. And you know? Alhamdulillah i was get in there and just me from my class in there. I could believe it that i get in the 10th best logo in RSBI class, because i was think that my logo just was good enough and my classmates had a unique logo there were more than my logo. But i thanks to my God, Allah SWT if my logo form Ms. Petri was the best in my class.

Oh yeah that's my logo! Sorry if you think my logo is bad:)
 it's the 1st before i repairing >>
and this is my Logo after i repairing>>

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